Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is the best tool for keyword research?

I want to buy a tool that tells me exactly... what people are looking for, how many searches there are, and how many results there are. Also i would like soething that allows me to dig down and find small niches...

any ideas?|||While I think everyone here has excellent answers I have found it best to spy on what your competition is doing. There are several tools on the following site that can help you with that. Keep in mind that while there are many good keyword generators out there they are only as good as the initial data submitted to them so if you're way off base from the beginning you could end up going down the wrong path.

Look at what others are doing in your niche and you are guaranteed to go the right direction. Make sure you download the FREE eBook as it helps.|||Here are a bunch of tips and resources for finding keywords that are effective for your website:

How to Select Good Keywords -鈥?/a>

The Keyword Search -鈥?/a>

Keyword Research Tools -鈥?/a>

Free Web Marketing Tips -鈥?/a>

Determining Keywords -鈥?/a>

Goodluck!|||Sorry but this one is the best,|||I always get this question and can understand how people become so confused.

There are hundreds of tools out there, both free and paid, so which should you use?

I have used many of the free keyword research tools and a few of the paid tools and industry professionals I have spoken with consistently recommend at least 1 of these paid tools...

They either love Wordtracker or Keyword Discovery.

They each have their pros and cons. If you are in North America, usually I recommend Wordtracker, it is very easy to use and you can quickly find some great golden nuggets.

If you are from anywhere else (besides the UK) I would recommend Keyword Discovery as it does have a multilingual database and some great regional stats. Keyword Discovery also has a 12 month seasonal analysis which can be very revealing, in addition, it has a shopping database, that actually pulls info from major ecommerce stores like Amazon, Bizrate, Froogle and others.

One of the downsides is that Keyword Discovery is a bit more expensive but it does provide great data.

If you live in the UK, it is a toss up between either tool, Keyword Discovery has always worked well for this region but I have found that the Wordtracker database for the UK is growing stronger.

If you are thinking about purchasing Wordtracker, you can click here for there Latest Offer

For a free trial of Keyword Discovery, you can visit

If you are interested in learning more about some of the free keyword research tools that will complement whichever paid tool you decide to go with, you can check out the blog: where I will be posting more info in the next couple of days.

Good Luck!

Lauralee Sukovieff

Internet Marketing Specialist|||Check this|||The best keywords research tool are as follows:



with the help of this you can build your website with the best keywords.while surfing on the net i got the information about this.

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