Monday, December 19, 2011

Why is there a huge spike in monthly traffic for a keyword?

I was using the google keyword tool and noticed that there was a huge spike in traffic for a particular 'exact search match' term. For the month of December the amount was 14,000 but the other months showed search results at around 6000. Any reason for this huge spike?|||This is a no-brainer. Mostly if not always depends on what's in the news. Tiger Woods, new products, cars, etc.|||The usage of keywords can be affected by seasonal variations in the business sector or by news stories. Google Trends provide a service where you can check the usage and popularity of search terms or keywords used, this includes the ability to compare keyword popularity and any regional variations by selecting country in the top right, the default selection is All countries.

With regard to web design and SEO, it is very important to include 'keywords' into the website and with regard to website links, keywords are important for inclusion in the anchor text.

So if you build a website about 'your products', you should ensure that the web pages are optimised for the content displayed and information offered. This includes using an appropriate selection of 'key words' (keywords) relevant to 'your products'.

Some of the basic steps and considerations for keywords and web design / SEO would be the following:

1) Using relevant keywords within the website / page content, the content of the website pages is the top priority for SEO, your website pages should provide good information about the product / service or subject.

2) The website name, or domain name, it can help people or search engines find your information if your domain name includes the product / subject / keywords

3) The page names, you may have lots of information about that requires separate pages, using keywords for the page / file name is good practice:

4) Meta tags, these are parts of the html code that are used by Search engines to help identify the content of the webpage. The html code of the page is not visible to the user unless you select view page source within the browser. You can to add important information about the webpage and products on the webpage to the meta tags, this is where you can add keywords about the products on the webpage. Important html tags include:

%26lt;title%26gt;This page is about keywords%26lt;/title%26gt;

%26lt;meta name="description" content="This is where you have a short sentence that describes the content of the web page and includes keywords" /%26gt;

%26lt;meta name="keywords" content="add keywords here separated by commas,keyword1,keyword2,keyword3" /%26gt;

5) Images, you can use relevant keywords for image file names on your webpage. You can also add 'alternate text' to the image within the html code, this is designed to help users that may have impaired vision and use computer software called 'screen readers' which is an audio tool that provides audio description of what is on the screen.

alt text html tag: alt="This text describes the content / picture for the image and will be read by screen reader and search engines so its good to include keywords relevant to the image"

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